
How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels

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How are the young David and Cassie presented as victims in the novels
'David Copperfield' and 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry'

'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' is a story about an African American girl growing up in a racist community in Mississippi during the
1930's. It shows her family as they struggle to survive in the racist community, try to keep their land and survive on the little money they get because of the fall in cotton prices due to the economic depression. David Copperfield on the other hand is about a boy growing up in a mid-Victorian world. With his family dieing around him, nowhere to live and people constantly taking advantage of him, David also has a hard time growing up. In Roll of thunder we see the whole
story …show more content…

Mr Murdstone also locked David in his room for days on end abusing him mentally as well as physically. Mr Murdstone scared Clara and so she rarely showed her love and support towards David. Mr Murdstone was the first male influence in his life, which made him loose confidence in men sue to this victimisation and feet safer in the company of women.

Although Cassie wasn't victimised within the family, the family on a whole were victimised but they always stuck together. Alternatively to
David, Cassie received a lot of love and support from her family.
Family and land were very important to them. When Harland Granger attempted to take their land away from them they didn't give up 'it was simply Logan Land…but always the taxes and mortgages would be paid' The family would stick together no matter what people threw at them, Cassie received masses of love and support from them which helped her while growing up.

David is also victimised at school. The head teacher Mr Creakle also abused David mentally by -on Mr Murdstone's request- making him wear a placard saying 'take care of him, he bites' ' My instructions are Mr
Copperfield, to put this placard on your back' Even before David starts school he is victimised by the teacher and then subjected to humiliation which lead to other children bullying him. David hadn't done anything wrong yet because of the

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