
How Media Organizations Produce Audiences And Markets

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This segment will review variety of literature exploring on how and why media organizations produce audiences and markets. The different types of audience theories there are will explore this, and how the audience reacts within these theories. There are many various audience theories out there, however six will be explored.

“The word audience is so much part of our everyday talk that its complexity is often taken for granted.” (Ross & Nightingale 2003)

Today, media is surrounding us, whether it is television, films, magazines, games, radio, music, the news, and even billboards and posters, and we don’t even acknowledge it, unless it hits us in the face. Along with this media, comes different audience, and different reactions. The …show more content…

Hall also suggested that the way an audience reacts, is dependant on their cultural backgrounds and how they were brought up, for example, if the mass media’s intended message is fruit is great, it all depends if an individual has been brought up to dislike fruit, etc. the audience is also given more credit, and it’s understood that they mat react in different ways.
Reception theory is the social interaction aspect, and the Two-Step Flow theory is also similar.

“Formulated first in the The People’s Choice, the hypothesis suggests that ‘ideas often flow from radio and print to the opinion leaders and from them to the less active sections of the population.’” (Lazarfield and Katz, 1970)

Paul Felix Lazerfiled originally came up with this theory, and then later, Elihu Katz began working with him. The two of them looked at during the presidential elections, how the votes make up the audience’s minds and wrote a book exploring the different factors of it. They speculated how the mass media connects with people, however this communication is routed through opinion leaders. These people are very media-literate and they link their understanding to others. The mass media uses comedians as the opinion leaders, as they take real life news, and analyse it in a comical way, and the mass media probably entrust the comedians more, as they come across less bias and less of an agender, and the public find the news sometimes so bias, it was almost comical. Two-Step Flow theory is

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