
How Is Jitt Zamperini Portrayed In The Book Unbroken

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Winston Churchill once said,”success consists of going from failure without loss of enthusiasm.”Louie Zamperini, an outstanding olympian and WWll hero, keeps enthusiasm throughout his struggles and that is possibly what saved him. Louie Zamperini is portrayed in the novel Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand, first as a young boy who smokes cigarettes, drinks, and takes his frustration out by fighting. In his twenties he goes to war, then returns a different man. Through his many years of suffering, it was hard but he became a better man for it.Louie Zamperini goes through a great deal of suffering in WWII which leads to him redeeming himself. Louie from childhood to adulthood has a lot of internal and external conflicts and internal conflicts, ever since he was young he was a “marked boy”(Hillenbrand 9). He never felt like he fit in. He, like his parents spoke italian which made him an easy target for bullies. …show more content…

At the P.O.W. camps the officers would have to be “Carried to the barracks”(Hillenbrand 295). But through all of this, Louie learned to forgive in his future. Louie Zamperini went through more suffering than anyone should but Louie learned to forgive through all this. When it was announced that the war was over and the care packages rained down “forgiveness coursed through all the men at Naoetsu”(HIllenbrand 322). Louie learned to forgive all of the officers in the P.O.W. camps in his later years of life and that is what ends up bringing his inner peace. When Louis Heard of Watanabe’s fate”all he saw was a lost person, a life now beyond redemption”(Hillenbrand 386).Louie didn't want to live the rest of his life with all of that bottled up hatred and in the end made him a better person. Everyone has someone they do not like. It is important to let go of that hate because in the end it is just one more problem you have to worry about. Learn to forgive just like

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