
How Far Was the First World War the Main Cause of the Fall of the Romanovs in February 1917?

Decent Essays

How far was the First World War the main cause of the fall of the Romanovs in February 1917?

It could be argued that the First World War, which began in 1914 was the main reason for the fall of Tsarism in February 1917. However, there is more evidence to suggest that it was not in fact the war that lead to the downfall of the Tsar, but other factors such as the lack of effective leadership by the Tsar and the fact that the Duma, his appointed government, had little power to make change.

One important reason why it could be seen that the First World War was the reason for the fall of Tsarism is the fact that in 1915 Nicholas left the Winter Palace and took direct command of the army. This meant he was blamed solely for Russia's …show more content…

In October 1905 he published the October Manifesto, accepting the creation of a legislative parliament or duma, which pleased the liberals. However, then in April 1906, he published the fundamental laws which stated that he still had overall control over Russia. Also, throughout the years 1905-1917 there were a number of dumas, all set up and subsequently dissolved by the Tsar when he believed they were getting to powerful. Also, in early 1917 236 of the duma's 422 deputies formed the 'Progressive Bloc' along with other supporters of the Tsar, such as the Kadets, Octobrists, Nationalists. The Bloc tried to persuade the Tsar to make concessions in order to retain his power but typically he was unwilling to listen. Listening to the Bloc at this point could have saved Nicholas and therefore the rule of Tsarism but his inability to trust his ministers and take their advice meant he his supporters quickly became opposers, weakening his rule at this crucial time.

Another reason for the fall of Tsarism in 1917 that was highlighted but not caused by the war is the fact that Russia was a difficult country to run. Russia's economy was backward compared to those of other Western countries, 4/5 of it's population were peasants, who were more often than not illiterate and lived in severe poverty. Although by 1917, improvements had been made to the

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