
How Does Media Cause Eating Disorders

Decent Essays

Does The Media Cause Eating Disorders? The media plays a very important part in our lives, we see ads that help us know what we want to buy and we get entertainment from television or movies. While the media has many benefits, it also has a very consequential downside. The media puts too much pressure on teenage girls to have perfect bodies by showing them unrealistic examples causing eating disorders. I have two very close friends who have severe eating disorders. Both of my friends have been hospitalized and placed in recovery several times. I’ve observed them at their worst. I’ve seen how they compare themselves to the people on tv and in magazines. I know how it takes control over a person’s life and almost eats them whole. Fortunately my friends are fighting and making great steps towards recovery, but they still have an eating disorder that owns them. They have good and bad days some days they are strong and eat their whole meals some days I have watched them running to the bathroom to try to get rid of what they see as unnecessary food. They idolize untruly “perfect” skinny women on television, they see photoshopped models, go through any means necessary to obtain these features and mentally they don’t understand what they are doing to themselves. Girls grow up idolizing the examples of …show more content…

Ann Morris and Debra Katzman have done extensive research on the topic, an experiment was completed on young Fijian girls who had not been exposed to Western television. Eating disorders already existed in their community, but were not very common. When television was introduced to the girls, more girls presented with eating disorders after several months of watching the shows than before the experiment. (Morris and Katzman.) This helps to prove that media does have an affect on the

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