
How Does Kyle 's Work?

Decent Essays

Data Collection Kyle was a 15 year old, Caucasian, ninth grade student. Kyle’s appearance was that of an average teenage, athletic male. He was of average height, athletic build, with a crew cut hairstyle. He lived in a nice neighborhood in a two parent household. Both of his parents have college degrees and were former education professionals, but changed to alternative careers. During the time in which this case study was conducted, Kyle’s dad was a pharmaceutical sales representative, while his mother was a stay-at-home-mom. By Kyle’s mother being a stay-at-home-mom, she was very involved in his academic studies and extracurricular activities. Kyle’s mother scheduled a conference at the beginning of the academic year to discuss Kyle’s condition and needs. She described Kyle to be well-mannered, a people-pleaser, conscientious of his limitations, extremely slow to complete tasks, and has trouble staying focused. Kyle began attending Butler High School during the first semester of his ninth grade year. For the duration of his elementary and junior high years, Kyle attended a small, local lab school. The adjustment from the small lab school to the large public high school seemed to be a challenge for Kyle, as the lab school was small and catered more to Kyle’s needs. The teachers and counselor at Butler High School are beginning to see more of Kyle’s support needs due to the change in school demographics and attention given. Kyle’s achievement data through his good grades

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