
How Does Creativity Affect The Levels Of Creativity?

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As a concept towards education, performativity is one that seems to strongly divide opinion. There are many scholars who argue that an increasing emphasis on performativity within education has a detrimental effect on the levels of creativity that students and teachers can demonstrate, and in turn affects the results of education in a detrimental way. Fostering creativity in education is intended to address many concerns. As Parkhurst summarises, this includes “dealing with ambiguous problems, coping with the fast changing world and facing an uncertain future”. Other scholars such as Poole (1980) argue that creativity cannot be “ignored or suppressed through schooling” as the role of creativity in the economy is seen as crucial (Burnard, 2006).
What is performativity?
Performativity has been defined as the capacity of speech and communication not simply to communicate but rather to act or consummate an action, or to construct and perform an identity. In the context of education this means that lessons are taught in a particular way and school policies and documentation reflect the expected discourse, which has led to schools being judged in terms of outcome and performance (Perryman, 2006).
The idea of performativity In education was developed by Lyotard in 1984, when he suggested that postmodern society is obsessed with efficiency and effectiveness and that increasingly ‘measured according to an input/output ratio’ (Lyotard, 1984). Recent times have seen

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