
How Diversity Affects Your Life

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to diversity of people, one will not learn to appreciate a different lifestyle without being educated. Diversity requires education, because it is very easy to place yourself in a bubble and not learn to coexist with all of the different varieties of people. Now that I have learned how diverse people are in more than terms of race or religion but experiences in life, I will be more open minded and considerate of others. Someone's physical appearance is not the same as someone's mentality, and it isn't fair to judge that person based on their appearance when you are almost always going to be wrong about that person and/or offend him/her. Knowing this information impacts my life in the way I use language and see the people around me. You don't know everyone's life story and you don't know what their emotional trigger is. If I have a comment or thought …show more content…

Unlike previous schooling, a person could be sheltered in only being around people of the same lifestyle. However in college this is not the case. Even a person of the same race as you has a different background in the place they grew up and perspective he/she has on life. A person's beliefs will shape the food they eat, their involvement and their insights/answers in class, which may be drastically different than yours. Instead of writing off this person for being different, college can give you the opportunity to know why this person acts this way and appreciate their rationale for it. Even if you don't agree with their way of life, you can at least appreciate that they deserve to live their life in the way they choose. You may even agree with their way of thinking and want to join them: a concept that you never would have thought of without hearing their perspective. Diversity at UF gives people the chance to experience different things outside of what they are normally accustomed

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