
How Did The Roman Catholicism Influence Medieval Society

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Roman Catholicism has a significant influence on the lives of all the medieval societies, including their beliefs and values. The power of the church even let them create their laws and let people follow their social hierarchy. With strong political power, the church can even make holidays. It has a significant influence on art, education, religion, politics, and also the ability to change the feudal system through their authority.

The churches were organized into a hierarchical system that let church control people and the lower priests by organizing them into different groups of hierarchies. First, there was ordinary believers, citizens who follow the Christian faith. Then was the clergy, who has dedicated their life to the church. Clergy …show more content…

The primary language of all education, whether Bible or church services are all in Latin. Language has an important influence on people's lives because they do not have enough knowledge to read and write, so there are problems of understanding preaching and religious doctrine, so they rely on the priests for further explain. Only members of the clergy and the nobles can receive a good education and be able to understand the ancient scriptures, which means their strength over lower ranks. The church also ran as a school, where they taught liberal arts, including Latin grammar, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music, and also knowledge from ancient empires such as the Greeks and the Romans. Monks copy and write history, poetry, law and many other disciplines works from the famous church fathers and idols. By its power, wealth, and the influence of the society, the church made a significant impact on the feudal system. The land ownership system provides central control for the monarch and helps to stabilize the kingdom. The church hierarchy is similar to the feudal structure, where the pope had equal or more power than the kings. The clergy had a lot of authority of the feudal system, which the ranks of the knights and lords were under the monks. This shows the importance of the clergy; they could even go against the lords and

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