
How Did The Great Depression Impact Society

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The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in industrial America. There were many powerful impacts on American life from this time period. Homes and businesses all over the country were demolished, and the hopes and dreams of urbanites and farmers alike were ravaged in a symmetrical fashion. The 1930s were a major turning point in American history due to the devastation of the Great Depression and the dust bowl. The most significant impacts of the Great Depression were unemployment, the transformation of family structure, and the influence of the art community. A significant outcome of the Great Depression that impacted society was unemployment. Many people lost their jobs as a consequence of businesses becoming corrupt and often ceasing to operate. Due to the growing unemployment rates, people could “ill afford to maintain [homes]” (Text 3). Left without money or shelter, people were forced to beg for food and money. Without paying jobs, workers couldn't even afford to feed their families, causing them all to suffer the impacts of growing unemployment rates and failing businesses. …show more content…

Times were hard, and often this meant that family was no longer a dream - it was an added stress. “Rates of abandonment [were increasing]”(Text 2) due to men running from their marriages out of shame, being unable to provide any longer. The Depression caused people to dread family rather than cherish it. Along with abandonment, “Birth rates fell sharply” as well (Text 2). Because of the Great Depression, people's lives were thrown away and destroyed without hope. “Child neglect [also] became a problem’’ during the Great Depression (Text 3). Children were often abandoned, or they simply left home to find work and provide for themselves. The image of family life was drastically altered due to the Great Depression, and many people were left without a family at

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