
How Did The Founding Fathers Change The Article Of Confederation To The Constitution

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The article of confederation did not give the federal government enough power, because of this there was no president and the country was only ran by congress. Without controlled power there was no currency and of course no army. After all of this wildness the constitution was created. This created a new nation because of stability and unity. The founding fathers realized that by 1789 the Articles of Confederation were petting the new nation under critical danger. The articles of confederation served as a loose union between different states and a centralized national government. The question being asked is, Why did the founding fathers change the Article of Confederation to the constitution? All of the above answers that question but the real answer to it is simply because the need for a stronger Federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The present United States Constitution Replaced the Articles of Confederation on March 4, 1789. ( . …show more content…

They decided to create the Articles of Confederation, a constitution that gave little power to the federal government and a large amount to the individual states. This created weaknesses in the U.S.A. They had found out that the Article of Confederation created a central government that was too weak to really do what was needed. The framers also chose federalism as a way from preventing tranny, and that was so not needed. They wanted to split up the power of government between the states and the central government so that neither level of government could become too powerful. They felt like splitting up power was a good way to protect people from a government tranny.

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