
The Teachings Of Confucius And The Lu State Of China

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Confucius also known as “Kong Qui” or “The Master” was born September 28, 551 B.C. and died in the year of 479 B.C. in the Lu State of China. During The Master’s time he was many things including: a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. He is also the founder of Confucianism, which is composed of political and moral doctrines with the teachings of Confucius as its basis. At 1860 CE when European Christians had entered China, Confucianism seemed to be the creation, and was set out formerly to label their notion of the non-christian religions they came across in China. The ideology of Confucius indicated personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, …show more content…

Seeing how Confucius lived in a war-torn society he was very anxious in developing or improving the government and society. The Master however, was convinced that the main problem with the government and society was the lack of virtue. Good officials were a key part for having a good government, but in order to become a “good official” you would have had to master the Five Virtues. Confucius envisioned to govern by virtue. Virtue enables the ruler to control and protect his state by relying on loyal representatives, without troubling himself. The Master said: “If you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern them by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus correct themselves” (2:3, Analects). Confucius also stated that, “He who governs by means of his virtue is, to use an analogy, like the pole-star: it remains in its place while all the lesser starts do homage to it.” He also believed that strong family values and relationships played a major role in a secure society, and also by giving respect to the ancestors. When asked about the principles to a good government, Confucius replied by saying “Good government consists in the ruler being a ruler, the minister being a minister, the father being a father, and the son being a

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