
Hiv Aids Persuasive Essay

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Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., a board-certified infectious disease physician at the University of Pittsburgh and an affiliated scholar at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security, tells SELF that this expansion will make it nearly impossible for global HIV/AIDS providers to be able to inform their clients of all of their options. “If someone becomes pregnant when they’re HIV-positive, you need to be able to talk about what the options are,” he says. “When you inject something like the global gag rule into it, you’re automatically walling off certain avenues of discussion, and that makes it difficult to provide comprehensive care.”
Margaret Hoffman-Terry, M.D., chair of the national board of directors for the American Academy of HIV Medicine, agrees. "It’s a sacred bond between providers and patients, and you should be able to talk about [health care] fully," she says. "To say that America unilaterally decides this—or a single person decides this—is terrible for the world." …show more content…

Losing that funding for providing care to HIV/AIDS patients will have a devastating effect. Adalja says care for HIV/AIDS patients has come a long way since the 1980s. Now, if someone is put on anti-retroviral medication, which can lower the virus' presence in someone's system to undetectable amounts, they can expect to have a normal lifespan. “HIV is not something people die from anymore, so long as they’re put on anti-retroviral medication early [so it cannot progress to AIDS],” he says. “We’ve been able to keep the virus at bay.” Many major agencies that help combat HIV and AIDS worldwide will have to comply with this extended gag rule and, as a result, will offer what Adalja calls “subpar

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