
Hiroshima Bombing

Decent Essays

Mankind is one of the biggest races on the Earth and with that many people, there are bound to be many mistakes. By far one of the biggest mistakes of humanity has been nuclear war and nuclear weapons. Even after copious amounts of death and destruction, mankind continues to threaten each other with these weapons of horrid violence. Some of the most notable bombings in history are the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now things like this may happen in the future. On August 6, 1945 the United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, resulting in the end of World War II, as stated in “Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima,” by Though it did end Word War II, it still did a considerable amount of other damage in the world. One of the biggest things that came out of this bomb was the destruction of the Earth. It destroyed the 90 percent of the city and if a citizen could have survived that, they would have died due to the radiation to come. Then on August 9, 1945 United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on the city Nagasaki killing thousands and destroyed over 60 percent of the cities buildings, creating more radiation to kill thousands more. Though these bombings did stop World War II, they …show more content…

The president of the United States told CNN in an interview in late 2015 that if were president, he would bomb Iran's oil fields to get to ISIS. Now fast forward to 2017 he is the president and it is very unsettling to think that he could get the government on board with this idea. This decision could cost millions of dollars for the U.S. and then you have to take into account the countless of innocent lives that you take along with that. In this situation, and every situation, the cons very much so out weigh the pros. There are many more efficient ways to deal with ISIS, that don't have to do with causing a lot of damage to the Earth and taking innocent

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