
High School Research Paper

Decent Essays

Through the school years I have been to two schools. Some of my years were near-perfect but, others were a train wreck. I would have to say that my worst school year was sixth grade. Thinking back I have found many issues that lead me to think the year was a train wreck. First off, in the first semester I had an I.S.S. which stands for in school suspension. I regret doing what I did to earn that because it was as boring as a sack of wet sand. But as my wise 8th grade teacher Mrs.Moncada once said “You can make any choice you want. But, you are not free from the consequences that come with that choice.”
Second, I received very bad grades. Grades as scary as Frankenstein's head on a spider's body. So scary that teachers and the school board personnel passed out when they read my grades. I personally found it hard to pay attention in class. I guess that we all make conscious efforts to do what we do and sometimes we do not make the greatest choices. …show more content…

When I first started middle school, I felt I was looked at differently. I had some people who hated me more than teenagers hate vegetables. So, one day I was on my way to the band when someone who thought to themselves “Why not trip this innocent kid down two flights of stairs?” Well after they tripped me I forced myself up and walked on. I never found out who tripped me though. I just felt that stereotypes had labeled me as an unwanted, ugly, nerd who wanted anything to do with. Well if I found out who tripped me I would have told them “Be nice to a nerd because you will end up working for

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