
Heroin And Its Effects On The United States

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Heroin in the USA has become an ever increasing problem that we must work hard to solve. It is taking over people’s lives and their family’s lives as well. Nevertheless, heroin is not going away any time soon, therefore we have to find a way to prevent people from overdosing, contracting STDs through shared needles, and try finding any other way to help heroin addicts, one of which is by introducing anti-opiate drugs, such as Naxaloone, Methadone, and Buprenorphine ← THIS SENTENCE IS A COMMA SPLICE. These said drugs would fight all the heroin-induced chemicals, until eradicating the necessity for heroin. It is essentially like rewiring your brain to get rid of the opiates.
An estimated 22 million Americans are dependent on or abusing drugs or alcohol, at huge costs to society. Deaths from overdoses due to heroin and other opioids, including the prescription painkillers. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has called a “public health crisis.” (par #1) But some scientist and clinics are calling it a genetic problem or an addiction.
All heroin users—not just those who injected the drug—risk becoming addicted. Individuals who abuse heroin over time develop a tolerance for the drug, meaning that they must use increasingly larger doses to achieve the same intensity or effect they experienced when they first began using the drug. Heroin ceases to produce feeling of pleasure in users who develop tolerance: instead, these users must continue taking that dug simply to feel normal.

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