
Healthy: The Most Obese City

Decent Essays

Healthy is a word that is not only about physical traits it is also about the mind.
Healthy has slowly got a worse and worse people's health has actually ended up killing them.
People everywhere have some of the worst health but it is mainly in america.
The city with the most Obese people is located in detroit there are 5 obese cities in Texas.
You can easily you health to see if you healthy or not such as getting you height and weight put it into a bmi calculator and check the bmi graph, Bmi stands for body mass index.

Temperature is very important temperature tells us the specific degree of hotness or coldness of the body. The hypothalamus triggers sweat glands and muscles incase the body needs to heat up and or cool down. The healthy average for temperature is somewhere between 97.8 and 99 degrees F. My heart rate was 98.6 which is in fact in between 97.8 and 99 degrees F. temperature is measured by a thermometer which can be many …show more content…

My breath rate is slower than the average breath rate the average is 12 to 20 my breath rate is 10.
Blood pressure tells us about the amount of pressure in our arteries. The average blood pressure is somewhere between 90 to 120. My blood pressure is average it is 108 which is in between 90 to 120 blood pressure. Bmi Tells us if we are healthy or unhealthy. The healthy bmi is somewhere between 18.4 to 24.9. My Bmi is 22.3 which is a healthy Bmi.

After looking at all 5 indicators my health seems pretty good. All of my health is somewhere in between the average. The only Average I did not get is the breath rate. I could probably get my breath rate up by moving and running around a lot more. You should try and get you family moving to make sure they're all healthy to. Some healthy things you can do with your family include Playing baseball, soccer football, bowling, racing, and just going outside to a park and having fun with your

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