
Healthy Grief: Applying Kubler-Ross' Five Stages of Grief to the Story of Job in the Bible

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Healthy Grief: Kubler-Ross' 5 Stages of Grief and the Story of Job in the Bible
In her seminal work on grief and grieving, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the concept now very well known as the Five (5) Stages of Grief, enumerated chronologically as follows: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In this concept, Kubler-Ross explored and discussed the normative stages that people go through when they experience the loss of a loved one and feel grief as result of this loss. It is also through these stages that people are now more aware of their feelings and thoughts when experiencing grief and the loss of a loved one. While the stages of loss are mainly developed for grief experienced with the death of a loved one, it is a generally accepted framework in understanding feelings of grief when an individual experiences the loss of a significant individual in his/her life. The discussions that follow center on the discussion of Kubler-Ross' 5 Stages of Grief, applied in the context of the Story of Job in the Bible.
As presented by Kubler-Ross, the process of experiencing and dealing with loss can be described step-by-step in five stages. The first stage is denial, which Kubler-Ross interpreted to be synonymous to "disbelief" to the grieving individual. At this stage, the individual is in a state of shock that understanding and making sense of the reality that a loved one is already gone is yet to be fathomed by the individual. At this point, the individual is

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