
Haraway’s A Cyborg Manifesto Essay

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Donna J. Haraway’s "A Cyborg Manifesto

Haraway’s provocative proposal of envisioning the cyborg as a myth of political identity embodies the search for a code of displacement of "the hierarchical dualisms of naturalized identities" (CM, 175), and thus for the breakdown of the logic of phallogocentrism and of the unity of the Western idealized self.

Haraway defines the cyborg as "a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction" (CM, 149). Her argument is introduced as "an effort to build an ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism" (CM, 149). She claims blasphemy and irony as her vantage tools. Blasphemy invokes the seriousness of …show more content…

Cyborgs are technological constructs and thus deny the logic of reproduction; they rather mock the "masculinist reproductive dream" (CM, 152). They have no memory of a primary state of innocence; they conceive of no Father’s saving through the restoration of a garden –they don’t recognize the Garden of Eden in that "they do not re-member the cosmos" (CM, 151). As they build no sense of community on the model of the organic family, they live outside the oedipal project –"they are wary of holism, but needy for connection" (CM, 151). Though the offsprings of militarism, patriarchal capitalism and state socialism, they are illegitimate offsprings and thus unfaithful to their origins.

The late twentieth century scientific culture in the United States has experienced three crucial boundary breakdowns:

the boundary between human and animal is thoroughly breached the boundary between human and machine has become leaky and ambiguous the boundary between physical and non-physical has become very imprecise –in that the experience of fluidity and lightness made possible by signals and electromagnetic waves renders the physical both material and opaque, very near to quintessence.
When boundaries are transgressed, "the transcendent authorization of interpretation is lost, and with it the ontology grounding Western epistemology" (CM, 153).

If cyborg myth is about the transgression of boundaries, as Haraway seems to posit, it envisions

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