
Happiness In The Movie Pursuit Of Happiness

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Believing in self or self-trust could save someone’s life and lead life into the right direction toward success. It did in “Pursuit of Happyness” where Mr. Gardner was losing control over his life until he trusted himself. Then his life started to turn around and when he believed in himself, everyone else believed in him and he succeed. Losing something of value can cause pain but when self-trust is lost, there is not much to do when you don’t have self-trust. When self-trust is present, believing and achieving soon follow leading to success in life. When America wrote the Declaration of Independence, one of the most important, and well-known lines was “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Something that is interesting to look into is why Thomas Jefferson put “pursuit of happiness instead of just “happiness”. The pursuit of happiness is about the journey, the good and the bad. Getting through the hard times knowing there's light at the end of the tunnel. If happiness is always present, there is no pursuit then happiness is suddenly taken away, and the person doesn’t know how to pursuit it again due to no pursuit at the beginning of happiness. The actual pursuit to happiness is more important than the happiness itself due to the fact that happiness can be taken away at anytime but the pursuit to get back will always be there. This is shown through the movie “Pursuit of Happyness” and how self-trust is so important in someone’s life. In the movie, Mr. Gardner loses his wife, his apartment, and almost loses his kid. He couldn’t catch a break, everything that could go wrong went wrong did. What he didn’t lose what his self-trust; that he could provide for little boy, be the father figure his kid needs, and still be on the pursuit of happiness when it seemed like happiness was a million miles away. The job he was applying for was a stockbroker and it was him and 20 other smart people fighting for it. Nobody thought he could do it, not even his own wife who left him shortly after. One example of self-trust in the movie is when Mr. Gardner and his son Christopher are playing basketball and talking then Mr. Gardner said “You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin'

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