
Hankamer Personal Statement

Decent Essays

As I gaze up at the words inscribed on the pillars of the Paul L. Foster building, which houses the Hankamer School of Business, I see inspiring and challenging ideals. Amongst them I see words that remind me of what strengths I have to contribute to the Hankamer School of Business. Out of the ten core values, I believe that integrity, leadership, service, and teamwork describe ideals which I aspire to bring to the school.

Integrity should be the most valued core principle. In the Ten Commandments it says “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” God deemed it necessary to show the Israelites the importance of integrity by putting it in the Ten Commandments, thus showing its value to everyone. I have strived during my years in schooling to be as truthful and honest as possible with an emphasis on obeying God’s command. As a homeschooler I had the opportunity to view the answers but because of my commitment to upholding my integrity, I choose to live honestly. The reason was because ultimately God was my authority. When I come to Baylor I will …show more content…

Learning how to be a leader in all types of situations has been one of the most important skills which I have acquired. The most important growth in my leadership skills was through 4-H where I served as President, 1st Vice President, and various other positions. I learned valuable public speaking skills from a lawyer who was teaching a public speaking class and was able to apply this in the various duties I undertook as leader of my club. Now I step into leadership roles with confidence, trusting my ability to work with and lead everyone in the group. When I join the scholars at the Hankamer School of Business, I will be able to fulfill any leadership positions necessary with confidence, whether it be in a small group or large group

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