
Hammurabi Code

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Table of Contents: I. Introduction: 1.1 Who is Hammurabi?……...…….……………………………………..…2 & 3 1.2 Where did he live? ……...……………………………………………….3 & 4 1.3 The beginning of the Code…………………………………………….….4 & 5 II. Cultural Analysis: 2.1 Social Layers…………..……………..…………………………………5 & 6 & 7 2.2 Existed Laws .............................…………………………………………...7 2.3 Different Cultures….………………………………………………………..8 III. Explanation of the Laws: 3.1 Examples of Laws……………………..………………………………9& 10 & 11 IV. Brief Comparisons: 4.1 Hammurabi Vs. Judaism.…………..………………………….…………..….12 4.2 Hammurabi Vs. Christianity…..…….………..…………...…………………..13 4.3 Hammurabi Vs. Democracy (U.S.A.)………………………………………...14 …show more content…

The nature of the cruelty in Hammurabi's Codex is surly according to the culture of people back in that period of time  Criminal Law. To explain more about the Code's nature, it begins with direction for legal procedure and the statement of penalties for unjust accusations, false testimony, and injustice done by judges; then follow laws concerning property rights, loans, deposits, debts, domestic property, and family rights. The sections covering personal injury indicate that penalties were imposed for injuries sustained through unsuccessful operations by physicians and for damages caused by negligence in various trades  (product liability). Rates are fixed in the code for commerce and trade. Later in the report, this part will be explained further. II. CULTURAL ANALYSIS 2.1 Social Layers: Laws are usually inspired and taken from the common knowledge of the society, whether the common knowledge was good or bad it does not make a difference. To illustrate, common laws derive from ethical backgrounds passed through generation to generation, where they feel that these traditions are sacred, and they cannot change it, because they fear the resistance that might develop form that change. Similarly, any religion after certain time gets to change in the name of modernity and prestige. To explain more, Hammurabi

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