
Hamlets Insanity In Hamlet

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“To be, or not to be: That is the question” (III.i.56). In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet is a young man who has become crazy from his trials and tribulations in life. He loses his father due to his uncle murdering him and then had to watch his mother marry the killer. Hamlets insanity can be demonstrated by his crude language and disregard for the wellbeing of his mother. It can also be shown by his depression, which causes him to second guess everything, including his life. Finally, his love, Ophelia helps to justify his absurdness by acting as a mirror. His foolish behavior worries many in the kingdom and creates a hostile and paranoid environment for those around. While some in the castle may believe that Hamlet is putting on an act, he proves that he is mad through his violent actions, his mental health and Ophelia.
To start, Hamlet shows his insanity through his blinding rage. While visiting his mother in her room to discuss his disapproval with her marriage, Hamlet becomes destructive. He throws his mother around the room, grabbing her and screaming at her. All this commotion scares Gertrude, his mother, and causes her to scream out “What wilt thou do? Thou wilt not murder me? / Help, Ho!” (III.iv.23-33). Gertrude is so scared of her son and who he has become that she believes that he will kill her. This shows that Hamlet is delusional because he reaches a point in which he is threatening his mother, a woman whom his father’s ghost warned him about mistreating. Hamlets rage takes over his mind and does not allow him to think clearly.
In addition, Hamlets madness causes him to want to kill the king, Claudius, and clouds his thoughts. When Hamlets, fathers ghost comes to visit him, it tells Hamlet to get revenge on its death and to kill Claudius. While the ghost disappears Hamlet recounts what he has just done and states, “So, Uncle, there you are. Now to my word:/It is ‘Adieu, adieu, remember me!’ / I have sworn’t” (I.v.110-112). Hamlet is not even certain that the ghost is his father at first, yet he still aims to kill the king. His anger over his father’s death leads Hamlet to not think clearly, causing him to act out which in the end, leads to his death.
Furthermore, Hamlet’s absurdity causes

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