
Green Revolution Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Since the beginning of the Human Race, gathering a sufficient amount of food has always proved to be a challenge. The Green Revolution attempted to solve this problem by creating and applying new techniques and technologies. The Green Revolution was created out of necessity and caused social changes, discontent with some of the effects, and the overall quality of living to be improved but the improvement of living quality had the greatest effect because this led to higher overall populations which in turn created the need to feed an even greater population. The most apparent cause of the Green Revolution was the pure necessity to innovate and be able to sustain a higher number people. Document Three is an excerpt from a speech …show more content…

He goes on to say the best solution is to assist these people enough for them to realize that they can innovate without creating an empire. This is important because he says that they cannot flourish on their own in these conditions and must be shown new methods to improve their overall situations. Document Four is an excerpt from a speech by one of the scientists who contributed research to the Green Revolution. He tells of how many of the "developing countries" are barely getting by on what they have. In his mind, they have always been starved and the Green Revolution has become a valuable aid against this problem. He essentially says that without the Green Revolution, these people would not be able to survive over time so if they wished to prosper, they needed new technology to guide them to a better future. Finally, Document Five is a statement from India's minister for food and agriculture saying that he is proud of the hard work of the Punjabi people, and without them, the Green Revolution would never have …show more content…

Document One is a simple graph that displays the wheat yields of Mexico and India from 1950-2004. Over only 50 years India and Mexico's yields increased fivefold and one can assume that it was because of these new techniques. Both countries' yeilds were relatively low at first probably because of the end of World War II. Document Two is a graph that relates world population to the amount of food available beginning in 1800 and projecting into 2050. This graph easily compares the growth rate before and after the Green Revolution and you can see that shortly after it was first put in place, the previously steady rate had now skyrocketed as did the worldwide food supply. The revolution overall abilitated the human race so that it could grow and produce more with equal or less work. Lastly, Document Six is a statement from the wife of a Mexican agricultural official. She relays how she has seen people in Hermosillo, Mexico, who have innovated and have gained copius amounts of money. They've gained enough, in fact, to be able to travel to Tucson, Arizona, every month and go shopping as well as pay for everyday expenses. She also explains that she has been to Mexico City and has seen nothing like the progress being made here. Because she has visited a variety of regions in the same country, she can experience firsthand the effects that

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