
Great Depression Outline

Better Essays

History Outline
Monsy Rodriguez

The Great Depression
Thesis: In its duration and magnitude, the Great Depression was indefinitely more severe than any other episode of “hard times” in our history and it was the molding force of the America we live in today.
Purpose of Your Hook: The purpose of my hook is to get the reader’s attention and have them keep reading and get through the whole essay.
Key Point of Introduction: The purpose of my introduction is to expose the reader of my topic and my three main arguments/body paragraphs. This would be the molding effect the Great Depression had on today; the short term effects and the lasting effects. Also how it changed the way people saw the government and banks and how it changed the way …show more content…

Purchase tools, necessary kitchen equipment, garden necessities, fishing gear, and other items to help improve your measure of self-sufficiency” * “Buy American. As much as possible, avoid purchasing imported goods and look for American-made products to help our country pull itself out of the recession. You may have to track down companies online and ask local shops to carry American-made goods. The extra dollars spent are well worth it. If we all followed this practice, imagine the outcome. Keep your money here; don't send it overseas.” * “Seek multiple income opportunities, rather than relying on one sector or one company for the family's support. If your job is highly secure, you're in a better position, but still look for side income opportunities. If your job is threatened or unstable, build up additional income sources right away.” * “Produce and preserve food. We plan to have a large family garden and our own laying hens in the backyard. As local fruits and vegetables come into season, I will pick and preserve my own - strawberry preserves, frozen peaches and jarred apple sauces are all simple to put up from local, inexpensive bounty.” * “The Great Depression was caused, just like now, by the excessive use of credit. Many people are in the horribly financial situations they are in because they owe way too much money to creditors. Their money

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