
Great Depression Effects

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The Roaring Twenties, a decade full of flappers, speakeasies, and technology, was a time in which the American nation believed that they had reached the peak of prosperity and did not foresee the immense crash that was about to occur. The crash caused a domino effect of awful events to take place like the banks failing, millions being unemployed, and thousands of companies going out of business. Herbert Hoover, the president at the time, was doing an insignificant amount of work to help the country get out of the economic crisis that they were in.

The stock market crash of 1929 was caused by various proceedings. One event was that companies were over producing products. This over production was caused by the high demand of products not …show more content…

This instigated the banks to fail because they did not have a sufficient amount of money to pay everybody back, and in turn, the nation’s money supply diminished and thousands of businesses went bankrupt causing them to unemploy millions of workers. Hoover, the newly elected president, would not acknowledge that there was a problem. He believed that the great depression was just a “passing incident in our national lives”, and that it was not the federal government’s job to try and resolve this predicament that the nation was in. This resulted in at least ¼ of the US workforce being unemployed by 1933 and a multitude of Americans losing their home, jobs, and savings. However, Hoover did try and help in his own way. He did this by funding government agencies, supporting local aid for public works, and encouraging labor harmony, but these actions were not the most effective and numerous people held him responsible for the Great Depression. He did not want to destroy the country’s foundations with things he believed were socialist actions. His not taking action to try and improve the economy resulted in him losing the 1932 election to Franklin D. …show more content…

Some liked certain acts because it was benefiting them, while others disliked them because it was causing a negative impact on their lives. Additionally, some people criticized that the deal was going too far and pushing the government’s boundaries, and others believed that it was not going far enough and wanted the government to do

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