
Gospel Of Mark Symbolism

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I did my coat of arms on the gospel of Mark, one of the three synoptic gospels. The top left corner of the coat of arms depicts an image of an angry lion. Back in these times, there was a popular blood sport among the Romans known as damnatio ad bestias, or "condemnation to beasts". In this gruesome type of entertainment, Christians as well as others who were uncooperative with the government, were subject to death in front of a crowd of spectators. They were killed by animals such as tigers, bears, and even lions. In relation, an angry lion can be used to represent these persecuted Christians whom the evangelist Mark mainly preached to.
To the right of the lion shows Jesus on the cross, a crown of thorns, and a colorful sunset. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is presented as a Savior, and servant to God. Mark is careful to emphasize Jesus' faithfulness to the Lord and the intense suffering He endured. The outline of Jesus on the cross next to the crown of thorns depicts this idea. Although Mark did focus on Jesus suffering, he also showed how suffering lead to grace and the fulfilment of the covenant. The sunset in the background symbolizes how Christ died to show God's amazing love and mercy for His creation …show more content…

This rope symbolizes how the gospel Mark died in attempt to convert the people of Alexandria to Christianity. The followers of the polytheistic religion were angered, and Mark was killed while being dragged through the streets by a rope around his neck. What is thought to be the remains of his body were in Egypt then placed in Venice, Italy, where they still remain today. Mark’s death was for his beliefs, and this act of faith showed just how truly loyal he was to the work of Jesus. The faithfulness Mark had to living out God’s plan, was rewarded in the kingdom of

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