
Google 's Model Of Google

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Google as one of the world most successful and secretive company in Internet industry growth rapidly from an unknown company to world famous company only take around 15 years. Google is an American company established on 1998 as a private company, they started to design and mange a search engine and explore the business for more areas. Google has variety of products,such as Blogger, YouTube, Gmail, Google Map, and Google Earth. On 2004 Google stock was on the NASDAQ stock market, and became the pubic company.

Figure 1 Google Timeline Source from Daily Mail, 2013

As one of the world best network services and network products provider, since the day established the company was on a very different road of how IT companies should be from the traditional model. It can be said that Google 's model was so success in today 's IT industry. It not only successfully solved the problem about disconnect of the research and development, also in the management cost and R&D efficiency achieves the optimal. Innovation, and business philosophy helps Google to become world famous company. In other hand Google was considered as one of world’s most secretive company as well. The business model and culture of Google was so unique which not every company can achieve that.

Become platform leader
Google has become the search engine platform leader in those years. Firstly Google has improve the current solution of a technique problem, that how to find the things people want in

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