
Good Will Hunting Archetypes

Better Essays

Journeys to the Center of Will Hunting

Throughout the movie, Good Will Hunting, the audience is presented with three situations or journey archetypes that are paramount to the audience understanding the many facets of Will Hunting’s personality. An archetypal situation or journey is a situation that follows the patterns found in human nature and the universe. When used in stories, there are often many situation or journey archetypes employed in order to make a point. The journeys and situation featured in Good Will Hunting are the quest for identity, innate wisdom versus educated stupidity and the fall. The quest for identity is an overarching journey throughout the entire movie during which, Will finds out who he really is, allowing the …show more content…

This quest for identity allows Will, and by extension the audience, to form a solid idea of his personality. In the beginning, Will does not have a solid idea of who he is, therefore, making it hard for the audience to understand him and subsequently, Will’s actions. As he works with the psychologist to discover himself, many of the reasons behind his behaviour become clearer. At the beginning, Will is shown to be argumentative and a narcissistic young man who has a blatant disregard for his future. As the psychologist shows us, Will thinks he is above everyone else, “I look at you. I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared shitless kid.” (Good Will Hunting, 1997) This quote presents to the audience, the image that Will has tried to paint of himself and how the psychologist is able to see right through it. As he opens up to the psychologist, we are shown that he is very smart, enjoys reading and has a complex understanding of human nature. As the sessions with the psychologist continue, the audience is able to follow along with Will as he discovers himself and form their own understanding of his personality. The result of the understanding is that the audience is now able to better understand the way Will

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