
Going to Canada by Warren Cariou

Decent Essays

Through his creative non-fiction piece “Going to Canada”, Warren Cariou proposes that our traditional view of Canada is superficial and fabricated from cover-up stories; we need to look beneath the surface of central issues to construct a well-rounded understanding. Cariou travels to Auschwitz and is quite intrigued by the warehouse called Canada, which is used to store stolen goods from prisoners. He questions how the ‘Canada’ located in the internment camp got its name and what significance the name plays. Initial reflection upon the meaning of Canada suggests the prisoners named it as a place for freedom and solace. However, later evidence suggested that it was actually named by Nazi Commanders. There seemed to be no direct connection between the warehouse and the country until Cariou returned to Canada and visited several northern Aboriginal communities. Cariou emphasizes the significance of stories of First Nations as agents of remembering and forgetting; they show the theft and dehumanization that Aboriginals are subjected to. Through the numerous parallels, it became evident that there is a clear connection between the warehouse and the country. Cariou claims that as Canadians, our perspective is shaped from cover-up stories and prevents us from seeing the connection that exists between the two. The corporate exploitation of Aboriginal communities and natural resources is analogous to the behavior of the Nazis during the holocaust. Through this piece, Cariou wishes to

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