
Goals Of Education

Decent Essays

Societal Goals of Education The goals we set for today's education will have a lasting impact on future society. Society invests in public education in order to reach their societal goals. These goals directly inform what and how we teach in public education as well as how we organize the institution. Lastly society hopes that education will shape students into active community members on local and national levels. I will argue that societal goals of education are to produce an equal well educated population that is prepared for future endeavors. I will demonstrate that public education is directly linked to society's aims by creating active citizens.
Providing Knowledge and Skills
Public education provides knowledge and social skills to all. The basic skills commonly associated with education are the three R’s: reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. While these skills are foundational to extending learning they are not the only skills our schools provide. Basic learning such as reading, writing, and math are offered throughout the elementary levels. As students progress through their education and reach secondary school, the skills become more based off of society's needs. Public education requires high school students to take a certain amount of sciences, math, and government classes along with their English courses. Skill sets taught during these classes go beyond the curriculum to develop students’ self-management, decision making, problem-solving, understanding of

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