
Goals : My Personal Goals And Long-Term Goals

Decent Essays

Goals are important to have; it helps you to focus your energy and perform to your best abilities. Growing up my mom always wanted us to establish goals because it would give us something to look forward to and feel accomplished once we reached that goal. Before coming to college I knew it was important for me to not only set long term goals but short term goals as well; motivation to keep me going to reach my long term goals. As a result I ended up with 3 short-term goals, and three long-term goals and I feel that me being at Spelman will not only help me to meet these goals but set new ones and I am well aware of that. As with anything in life when you gain new knowledge things in your perspective will change; which is why I am open to my goals changing.

My first short-term goal is to maintain a GPA of 3.5 and higher. There are many reasons for this; one because my parents expect nothing but the best, secondly because I know that I can accomplish it. During our first meeting with Dr. Blash she was explaining her expectations for us as Health Science majors. She posed the question to us “ what GPA do you need to maintain for this semester ?” My immediate response was 3.5 and she looked a little taken aback and replied “ I was gonna say at least a 3.0 but now it’s 3.5.” Although we are stem majors and our workload may be more intense then some we need to push ourselves to knew heights. My first long-term goal connect with my first short-term goal ; to graduate college

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