
Global Warming: A Huge Concern in Today's Society

Decent Essays

Global warming is a huge concern in society that is only growing bigger because people either are not well informed about it, or they are not concerned about it. Some think that it will just go away and others still believe that it doesn’t exist, even though there is hundreds if not thousands of pieces of evidence that supports otherwise. One of the biggest pieces of evidence that proves global warming is real is the effect that photosynthesis has on global warming. Photosynthesis is a very complicated process. It is not as simple as plants need a little sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, and viola oxygen is produced. There are many steps and processes that occur during photosynthesis which make it very complicated. Now the actual word photosynthesis in Greek means photo- “light”, and –synthesis “putting together”. This is the overall basic foundation that photosynthesis stands behind. Photosynthesis can only happen in plants and some algae, due to them having an organelle called chloroplast. Chloroplast has a pigment, which is called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a light absorbing pigment, which allows the plant to control solar energy and use it to distribute energy and food for the plant itself. Chloroplasts are usually located in the green tissue in the interior of the leaf called the mesophyll. A usual cell has around thirty to forty chloroplast. In the inner compartment there is a thick fluid called the stroma, with a system of interconnected membranous

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