
George Washington Essays

Decent Essays

George Washington - The Father of Our Country

Why has George Washington earned the title "Father of our Country"? He was a great military leader and served as a general in the Revolutionary War. Washington was very involved in setting up the government of the United States and served as the first President. He is the most honored of any President and there are many things that help us remember him often. With all he has contributed to the success of our country, he certainly deserves this title.

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland, Virginia. He belonged to an old colonial family that believed in hard work, public service, and in worshipping God (Ashworth and Carroll). As far as formal education George …show more content…

He was promoted to various ranks and gained knowledge and experience. As the Revolutionary War approached he was called upon again to give military service. George served on various military committees. Then on June 15, 1775, he was named general and commander in chief of the army of the United Colonies. Washington was loved by the people of his day. In fact, his army officers would have made him king if he would have agreed (Ashworth and Carroll 72).

The eight years of the Revolutionary War were very difficult and challenging. Washington had a strong will to win and that helped him overcome the many discouragements that came his way. On the battlefield he relied on a trial and error approach. He often had to fly by the seat of his pants and go with his instincts (Twohig 4). The lack of soldiers and supplies were some of the many trials he faced. The army often ran out of food (Alden 167). Sometimes the troops had to march barefoot in snow because they had no shoes (Milton 71). Washington was just fifty-two years old when he left the army. But he felt like an old man. George told a group of officers, "I have grown both blind and gray in your service" (Milton 82).

At the age of fifty-seven, on April 30, 1789, George Washington took the oath of the President of the United States. Under his leadership the country was united under a new federal government. He established our country's financial system. During his presidency the Indian threat east of

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