
Genetic Cloning In Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park

Decent Essays

Michael Crichton’s novel “Jurassic Park,” is a science fiction story about bringing dinosaurs back to life through genetic cloning. Throughout the book there are several references that dinosaurs are actually birds, not reptiles.
Crichton did his research when writing these books because the science behind everything is correct. Dr. Henry Wu, the chief geneticist, cloned the DNA from insects in amber, a hard yellow resin of dried tree sap. Throughout the novel,
Dr. Alan Grant, a paleontologist, is asked to come to John Hammond’s island along with other scientists. Dennis Nedry, a computer programmer, shuts off electricity, and dies why stealing embryos, leaving no one to turn it back on; the back up generator isn’t enough to power the entire security system. This leaves …show more content…

The first bird is debated to be the Archaeopteryx, discovered in Germany, believed to be 145 million years old. It resembled a crow-sized animal with feathers. If the feathers were not found, it would have been identified as a small dinosaur. It did however have a wishbone, found in birds, and it had bird like feet.
Researchers believe that dinosaurs shrunk in size while adapting to new changes in the environment. Researchers believe birds descended from two-legged dinosaurs,
Theropods. The skull itself is believed to have gone from a Velociraptor, to
Archaeopteryx, to modern day chickens and pigeons. Some differences from the
Archaeopteryx and chicken are the size of the brain, eye cavities, and beak. The
Archaeoptreryx had teeth, where as the chicken does not. Dinosaurs started shrinking to enable flight.
In Jurassic Park, they compare the way dinosaurs walk, the size or their arms and legs, the hinged knee and ankle, the bobbing of the head when they walk, and their toes.
They had to compare them to reptiles because Dr. Wu and to supplement other DNA in to the broken DNA they discovered for clone. The dinosaurs couldn’t see Grant if he

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