
Freudian Analysis of Woman on the Edge of Time Essay

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Freudian Analysis of Woman on the Edge of Time

One can use the psychoanalytical approach to successfully decipher some of the complexities in Marge Piercy's novel, "A woman on the Edge of Time". The psychoanalytical approach stems from Freud and his belief that "... Most of our actions are motivated by psychological forces over which we have very limited control"(127 handbook). The two aspects of Freud's approach that relate to this story are the Oedipus complex and the struggle between the id, ego, and superego.

The Oedipus complex of according to Freud is turned upside down in this novel, because there is no father, yet there are three mothers. The Oedipus complex believes that as a …show more content…

The struggle between the id, ego and superego dissolves in this novel due to a different kind of attitude that the people have. The basic Freudian belief is that the id is "…the source of all aggressions and desires" (130 handbook). The ego is the rational governing agent of the psyche"(139 handbook). It keeps the id in check. The superego is the part of the mind that does what society dictates. In our day and time, the id wishes for us to do nothing but eat, sleep, and have sex. The ego realizes that there is no point in humans only trying to repopulate the entire universe with human being. The superego also feels that having sex all the time with whoever is near at hand is ludicrous. Society doesn't allow those people to prosper. They go to jail in some countries for displaying those tendencies. In the novel by Marge Piercy, The social bounds have stretched significantly allowing the superego to have no qualms with the futuristic acceptance of everyday sexual activities. The ego has also been satisfied. Children are grown in vats, so there is no need to worry about one person single-handedly repopulating a country the size of France. Therefore the id is in control. The author is trying to point out that a little open mindedness and a little technology can alleviate the many gender struggles that occur because of sex roles.


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