
Freedom Of Speech : Freedom Of Speech?

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With everything that’s been happening in the news as of late, my opinions on NFL football players kneeling during the national anthem is that there’s a time and a place. And during the national anthem at a football game is not the time or the place to protest police brutality and racism. Is forcing a time and a place to protest taking away the rights of Kaepernick and other NFL players following his example? In our Constitution it states that, “It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.” Our very foundations encourage what Kaepernick is doing, and taking away his right to speak is seems to be unfair and not justified. But "Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence" said Daniel Schick in the article, “Veterans Defend Colin Kaepernick” (Szoldra and Woody). Kaepernick as a professional NFL player is expected to act certain ways and refrain from political views while wearing his uniform playing on the field. Just because he has the right to speak his mind, that does not mean that he doesn’t have to face the consequences that follow. Daniel Schick also brings up the fact that in uniform, he was expected to keep his views to himself. Not only are soldiers supposed to keep their personal views to themselves but so do teachers. So why is it so outlandish to expect the same from

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