
Frankenstein's Life Lessons Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout our lives we learn different lessons that teach us all about how the world works. At a very young age we learn how love works. We learn and experience how it hurts but also how comforting it can feel. As we grow older we become lonely and start to look for a partner to hopefully spend the rest of our lives with. For most people it is a successful hunt, but for others who are like the creature it is impossible. The creature was excluded from society the moment he was made because he was different. He had no chance to ever be loved the way that everyone deserves to be. The creature was so desperate that he resorted to basically begging for Victor to create a mate for him the same way that he created him. He was willing to disappear …show more content…

This was the creatures last chance to have someone that was made especially for him. First and foremost he tries to speak to Frankenstein’s feeling of trustworthiness. He reminds Frankenstein that the main reason he has persisted through such a biting and protracted enduring is that Frankenstein had guaranteed him a mate. At the point when this does not work the creature then debilitates to torment Frankenstein on his wedding night and to look for revenge against him in other ways as well. The creature engaged Victors blame and apprehension. He tells Victor that due to the way he was made, he is the one animal on the planet that is completely alone. All other creatures, including humans, have a mate that is especially made for them to impart their life to but he has nobody. That is what engages Victor’s blame. The fear that the creatures brings then becomes more clear. The creature tells Victor that the only way to stop his executing spree, the best way to ensure that Victor will never again be an accessory to murder is to make him a mate. He guaranteed that he will go away with her and will never kill again. Victor is overwhelmed by apprehension and blame, and he is eager to do anything to offer reparations for his son’s behavior is at the outset eager to oblige to this. In the process, nonetheless, he alters his opinion and destroys the mate he started to create. It is intriguing to talk about why he did this. He says that he did not want to create a race of “creatures”. This again leaves the creature without anyone to show him love or

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