
Frankenstein, By Mary Shelley

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In Mary Shelly’s novel Frankenstein published in 1818, Victor Frankenstein made a monster for what he thought would be better for the population. He stitched together body parts that were stolen from grave yards and used a fresh brain from a newly hanged criminal. When he finished making his human, he became afraid of what he had created and shunned him. Frankenstein was denied by everyone who seen him. People did not realize that Frankenstein had a good heart that eventually became hateful because he was ostracized. He met an old blind man who accepted him, but when the blind man’s kids came home and realized what a monster he was, they beat him and swept him away. When there was no more hope for humanity, he became resentful and killed his creator’s brother as revenge then later tried to go after his creator’s wife. GMO products are made just like Frankenstein. Frankenstein was created in a laboratory from different DNA unnatural from its own. But unlike Frankenstein who was ugly on the outside and initially beautiful on the inside, a GMO tomato for example, is a big plump, juicy, red, beautiful tomato on the outside but has harmful effects on the inside. In today’s society, our local grocery stores are filled with GMO products. Most consumers are uneducated about GMO and unaware of what is being purchased because there are no laws of mandatory GMO labeling. According to The Non-GMO Project, “In North America, over 80% of our food contains GMOs.” GMO foods

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