
Finding Utopia in Caste Systems

Decent Essays

Creating an ideal society there is no place for religion because of the basic principal. They are humans are immortal, after death they get either punishment or compensation by their act of deed. Also the definition of utopia is different of each individual but the main components are being happy and no stress no pain, and no sorrow. So it is difficult to imagine utopia if there is religion. However, looking at the culture Hindu religion and the Hindu society, individual may find a structured way of life. In the social system, each person divided into the type of ordered partition known as the caste system. With its roots in the Hinduism, those Hindu and other are affected by the Hindu society structure. There are four major divisions in caste, and each division individual has specific responsibilities in society. The word dharma is, “conformity to religious law, custom, duty, or one's own quality or character” ( One’s are allowed to perform those responsibilities assigned by one’s particular caste. In the religion term each caste is called Varna. The highest level is contains those of the leaders, teachers, writers, philosophers belong to highest caste and they called as Brahman. The following Varna is called Kshatriya this class contains of the ruler and warrior. The next class is called Vaisia those are business and land owners of society. The following Varna on the ladder of social structures of life is Sudra. This caste is lowest of the ladder and they

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