
Film Analysis Of Django Unchained Directed By Quentin Tarantino

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Django Unchained directed by Quentin Tarantino was highly rated among its viewers with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 87% and an IMDb rating of 8.4 out of 10. This film did well in the box office accumulating 425.4 million dollars. It also won numerous awards including the 2013 Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. When analyzing the film, it is clear to see why it did so well. Django’s physical action, plot-driven, emotion-arousing conflict, and the believable world all create this stellar film. Django Unchained uses the dual purpose of art, to arouse emotions and entertain thought, through its captivating story, special effects, and humor sprinkled throughout. The film begins with a somewhat serious tone of slaves whose scars show the pain they’ve endured. As they march into the dark forest there is tension to find out what is lurking in the shadows, but then a giant tooth bouncing back and forth emerges with a smiling german man who introduces himself and his talented horse that bows when introduced. Humorous events similar to this occur weaved in between shootouts/explosions and intense dialogue. The most obvious example of humour weaved in between intensity in this film is the flashback to the bag head’s plan. Immediately following the successful execution of the brittle brothers, Django and Dr. Schultz are followed to their campsite by Big Daddy and a group of his accomplices. The audience sees men riding horses, wearing bags on their heads, holding torches, and

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