
Fear From The City : Fear

Decent Essays

Fear constricted life from the city. Fear led to riots. Riots led to death. Death led to fear. It was a never-ending cycle. Now this place was the whole world to us. It was all we knew. If we left, we wouldn 't survive, and no one was willing to take that risk. The walls separated us from the "ominous" outside world although I was almost positive that it was no better in here. I was curious, we all were. It has been what seems like an eternity since anyone has dared to step outside and those who did, never returned. I didn 't know whether it was because life was so perfect that they didn 't want to come back or on the contrary, so deadly that nobody was able to make it back. Questions race through my mind daily. What would it be like out …show more content…

I finally rolled out of bed and opened my eyes to reveal an isolated stone room with a bed dead in the center of it and nothing else to speak of. I opened the big, creaky door only to witness the lemon-sour light penetrating my eyes and overpowering the distant horizon. Then after a few paces, I opened another door which led straight the main hall where I was being awaited. The meeting was in session when I felt the ground tremble beneath my feet and then a sudden scream for help which was soon overcome by the sound of guns firing all around. "TAKE COVER!" a man yelled and I darted towards the table I saw on my way in. What was going on?! This had never happened before. Were we being invaded by whatever was outside those walls? My thoughts were interrupted by a nearby blast followed by several small ones. Despite the fact I was scared, this all seemed very odd to me. Something wasn 't right but the constant danger kept me too busy to think of what it could possibly be. The dust and debris compressed my vision and then all at once the firing of guns seized and the screams died down. After a few moments I heard that same familiar voice over the monitor as it said “For your own safety and the safety of others, do not leave the city walls.” Then again. And again. I looked to see the damage that had been done to the walls

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