
Family Engagement In Early Childhood Education

Decent Essays

Family Engagement Introduction
Parental involvement is crucial in early childhood education. That is why it is essential that a great deal of effort be made to ensure “that ongoing and effective communication and partnerships be established and maintained with parents” (Sanabria-Hernandez, 2008, par. 1). Fortunately, most parents participate in at least one way. However, there is frequently a smaller percentage of parent participation from parents in the diverse community (Jaworski, 2017). This may be attributed to the fact that some families may have challenging circumstances, such as language differences or financial difficulties that impede their ability to reach out to school staff. Having diversity in schools not only helps children learn and think differently, but also prepares them for the real world and interacting with those of different cultures in the workplace and in daily life (Jaworski, 2017). Preschool programs need to reflect, acknowledge, and celebrate diversity and their curriculums should utilize children’s funds of knowledge to help children connect their world with their learning environment. “When schools, communities, and cities begin to understand the importance of diversity and inclusion, our children have better educations, we have better workplaces, and everyone benefits” (Lynch, 2016, par. 1).
Culture plays a paramount role in our lives. “It is what shapes who we are and how we view the world” (Thorp & Sanchez, 1998,

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