
Fallacies : A Logical Fallacy

Decent Essays

A logical fallacy is false or misinforming opinions that prove nothing. At times fallacies seem to be sound, and often have lots of persuasive control, even after it’s undoubtedly exposed as being untrue. Fallacies are not always deliberate, still yet we find them all over the place, like commercials for an example. Though there are several logical fallacies, four logical fallacies generally found in advertising are amphiboly, appeal to authority, appeal to emotion, and non sequitur (logic). Fallacies should not be allowed in advertising because they create more harm than good; alcohol commercials make drinking appear fun but do not always show the consequences of drinking too much and some commercials even use scare tactics to sell products.
When a reason contains a fallacy, it is invalid; the conclusion is no longer acceptable, but the listener may not notice what went wrong. There are many ways arguments can go wrong and many fallacies. Some occasionally appear or are unlikely to deceive; others more undoubtedly mislead, especially when people do not examine carefully what is being said. “Fallacies are put into two groups: formal and informal. A formal fallacy is a type of inaccuracy in the logical structure of an argument. An informal fallacy is basically a flaw in logical form.” The reason may have such a flaw, but when it is put in a correct logical form something else emerges as the real problem. One type of informal fallacy is the argument from ignorance; assuming

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