
Fair Isaac Company: Fico Credit Score

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For someone to understand their credit and their credit score that comes with it, you have to know what the FICO credit score is. Fico is a special company that gathers information on a person about how they spend their money, who they owe money to and use that information to interpret and come up with a score which is something like that of a rating system. With this information they can even tell if they should extend more credit to your account for those who are credit card holders. What does FICO stand for? Fico stands for the Fair Isaac Company. Due to the name being too long it eventually was shortened it to FICO. They gather information from a few major credit companies who take your financial information, analyze it and then return with a score. …show more content…

Many companies use your fico score to decide on major financial decisions when it comes it you. For example, if you’re trying to get a credit card a company will look at your fico score to decide if you are a high risk and deny you, or if you are a safe risk to take. Some other places such as banks will use that information to make other choices as well.

How are FICO scores determined? For those who are trying to decide on whether or not to grant you that extra line of credit or a bank loan there are a few things they take in to consideration. First off the biggest part of your score is made up of all the bills you’ve accumulated, how many have you actually paid. Secondly, they look at just how much money you owe those who you have bills with as in outstanding debts that have been sent to bill collectors. Third, how long you’ve had credit among a few other decisions.

How do I get my credit score? Well that depends on whether or not you are looking to pay a few dollars out or if you are seeking a free credit score. Most sites require you to pay either a small fee or a monthly fee. Some sites however, will allow you to see your personal score for free such as

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