
Exploring Protein Structure With The Molecular Visualization Firstglance

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Nariel Monteiro CHEM 456 Exploring Protein Structure with the Molecular Visualization FirstGlance in Jmol Introduction: The goal of this experiment was to practice using the FirstGlance in Jmol molecular visualization to examine key structural features of proteins. This work is important because protein structure can be related to function, multiple-sequence alignments and evolutionary preservation, and designing drug. FirstGlance in Jmol makes it fairly easy to perceive structure-function relationships in the protein you chose. Using FirstGlance, it is easy to visualize and distinguish chains, and disulfide bonds are obvious. Alpha helices and beta strands are evident due to the "cartoon" secondary structural schematic. Methods: Firstly in this experiment, one had to get familiar with how to use many of the basic commands in FirstGlance in Jmol. To get familiar with the program, one did a tutorial analysis of protein PDB ID: 1LGD at, following the specific step listed in the handout.1 For the second part of the experiment, one had to use the knowledge learn from viewing protein molecules in FirstGlance in Jmol to analyze the protein PDB ID: 4EEY. The analysis of this protein was done using the RSCB protein data bank (PDB) at ( Results: Below are the answers to the given questions about the protein PDB ID: 4EEY. Find the primary citation and download the journal article for reference.

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