
Decisions: What Justifies Murder In Modern Society

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Decisions are the basis of human history, advancement, and modern society. Important decisions often cause a conflict within a person as he or she attempts to make a choice based on what he or she believes is right, as well as what he or she believes is wise. Throughout life and society, people find themselves at a crossroads of beliefs or thoughts with the justification of murder. This is due to the dissonance illustrated when they have mixed feelings with the idea that killing another human is wrong, although it seemingly appears unavoidable in certain situations. This inevitability is what justifies murder in the first place. These mixed feelings create a cognitive dissonance that impacts society in a detrimental …show more content…

Modern society is shaped by cognitive dissonance in the way that opposing beliefs or thoughts actually decide important matters. Whether it is from constructing new aspects of life, attempting to restore and prevent atrocities, or arguing that murder is not justified by reason; modern society looks in the mirror and sees the clash in beliefs laced across its face. This gives society a feeling of constriction, almost as if it is hesitant to move in fear of cutting and making itself bleed. This can be seen when life-saving changes are often delayed due to safety precautions. People want to be safe, but don’t want to injure themselves in making the world a safer place. This irony harmfully shapes society as it provokes new ideas to be shut down and forgotten.
Examples of cognitive dissonance can be found not only throughout everyday life, but also in works of literature that reflect life and the choices in it. In Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the willingness for humans to commit atrocities and the justification of those atrocities is displayed well. Throughout the novella, a clash is represented with Marlow’s belief in his home of Europe being originally sound and proper, but, after going on his trip through the Congo, he realizes that the true heart of darkness lies within European places like England, and not in the Congo like he had always been

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