
Explanation to Crime and Deviancy Essay

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True Crime or Moral Panic? Evaluate and apply sociological theories relating to crime and deviance Explanations of Crime and Deviancy Crime - an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. Deviance-the fact or state of diverging from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. Crime and deviance are seemingly effortlessly defined by the Oxford dictionary. However sociological prospectives have differing views on crime and the explanations for it. Starting post modernist who are criticised for their denial to the existence of crime. This is because Post modernist tend to reject all ‘meta narratives’ given by other prospectives. Post modernism argues that these explanations …show more content…

Murder affects more people, thus it is more deviant than shoplifting. Marxism and conflict Theory tend to share the same views on crime. This is because Conflict theory derived from Marxism. The two theories and Feminism a similar in that they view society as unfair or biased. According to them society is governed by the wealthy (bourgeoisie) and men (Patriarchy). They are the ruling class; thus they pass laws which only affect women and the working class (proletariat). Consequently these laws are broken by these groups of people in retaliation. However with this said feminism would nevertheless criticise Conflict theory and Marxism for their emphasis on class inequality more than gender inequality. Furthermore most feminist tend to reject other theorists’ explanations of crime because they tend to ignore, distort or stereotype crimes committed by women. Most Sociological prospective tend to agree that some criminal deviancy can drive social change. Functionalism sees crime as functional, it creates jobs. Law enforcers such as police, judges, prison wardens e.t.c are professions which exist due to crime. This is a somewhat positive view of crime because it provides employment. Conflict theory takes this one step further. It likes to challenge the state of affairs by theorising that crime or unrest are essential for a social revolution. Conflict theorist George Vold noted “A society

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