
Explain Why Students Should Not Be Allowed To Have Cell Phones During School Hours

Decent Essays

What? You think students should be allowed to have their phone out during school hour. Cell phones are everywhere in this world. All students love to stay on their phones. What do you think teachers and administrators should do? Cell phones is an issues that schools are facing today. There are so many people who think students should be able to use their phone during school hours, but there are also some people who think students should not be able to use their phones during school hours. Students should not be allowed to have their phones out during school hours. There are many reasons why students should not be able allowed to have phones out during school hours. One of the main reasons is distracting. Distracting can effect students is many way's. Say if your taking a test and someone Snapchat notification goes off or any other notification. It can also distract the people that don't have a phone. Students with phones can text each other the answers on a test or assignment. It could also distract the kids that have a phone by looking at their phone the whole class period time seeing if the person they texted would text back. Student like to worry about their phones more that they do their grades. …show more content…

Cheating is called plagiarism. If you cheat on every test or assignment you have, then you well not learn any thing. Snapchat and Instagram is a big that that students cheat with. Students ask each other questions and get the answers. Google is the main thing that students cheat on. Because all you have to do is look up the question and it gives you the answer. But not all the time is your friends or Google all ways right. Just remember cheating will not get you any where especially when you get to

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