
Examples Of Racism In The Movie Crash

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The world has always been racist and intolerant to people who are different from themselves. Racism is still a considerable problem. But sometimes it isn't one person being racist against another, but rather one person being racist against them self that makes them view the world in a racist and prejudice way. The movie crash shows good examples of how racism against oneself. In many situations throughout the movie you will see that Fear is what makes people act racist. Fear towards another race or color. I saw racism in the movie for example when the cops target a Suv because they saw a colored couple, but when a white coupled pass by they don’t stop them or anything. The cop takes advantage of the colored girl because the cops are white and know they …show more content…

He believes that everything in the world is out to put people of color down. He does many things like not get on a bus because he believes that white people put big windows on them to embarrass people of color. Another thing I saw was racism towards once self. There was a director and since the beginning you could see they were and acted like wealthy people. They would try to avoid being labeled like a black person. Another situation in the movie was where a Persian guy thinks he is prosecuted against and cheated all the time. He is afraid of Americans because of 9/11 and terrorist situations. He believes that anyone from Middle Eastern isn’t welcomed in America. The gun shop owner was rude and he got his shop destroyed by people who hated him. After that scene was when a Mexican guy went and changed a lock on a door which was owned by a Persian guy. Since the situation didn’t end in good terms the Persian guy thought that the Mexican guy had something to do with his store being vandalized. Since he believed that he was being cheated or ripped off by the Mexican guy led to his store being destroyed. He had fear, misunderstanding and

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